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How to ensure compliance with today’s and forthcoming emission regulations – DESOTEC's insights


Navigating the complexities of air quality regulations in Europe can be daunting. DESOTEC delves into the intricacies of the Industrial Emissions Dire...
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Mobile vs fixed filters in the biogas market


Activated carbon technology is widely accepted as an effective filtration treatment in the biogas and biomethane markets. However, the advantages of m...
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VOC treatment: our analysis of the situation for the industry


In the face of growing environmental concerns, industries are increasingly confronted with stringent regulations aimed at curbing the emissions of vol...
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6 typical questions about RTO


Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) and activated carbon filtration are two advanced technologies employed in industrial processes to control air poll...
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Purifying emissions from battery recycling and production


The transition from fossil fuels to greener forms of energy is driving a huge expansion in lithium-ion battery production and recycling capacity in Eu...
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4 typical questions about AOX


In the intricate landscape of industrial processes, managing AOX (Adsorbable Organic Halides) becomes a pivotal challenge, prompting industries to see...
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5 typical questions about COD


In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial processes, the need for sustainable and efficient solutions is paramount. One crucial aspect that often d...
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4 typical questions about VOCs


Where industrial VOC and solvent emissions pose problems, DESOTEC’s mobile sustainable filters provide simple yet effective answers....
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Removing odours at mechanical-biological treatment facilities


With around 113 million tonnes of residual household waste produced in the EU each year, managing municipal waste sustainably is a huge ongoing concer...
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