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Removing VOCs from biogas to upgrade to biomethane


For communities throughout Europe, municipal organic waste collections have become the norm. Even Christmas trees can be collected, put into anaerobic...
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Controlling VOC emissions in wood furniture production


Controlling VOC emissions presents a significant challenge for the wooden furniture industry. In this case, a factory making kitchen furniture was p...
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Treating VOCs and NMP in electric vehicle battery production and recycling


As Europe gears up for a more sustainable future, the EU will soon phase out internal combustion engine (ICE) cars while promoting electric vehicles (...
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Treating VOC emissions from coated steel parts


At busy, complex industrial sites, the last thing managers need is another piece of equipment to worry about. When it comes to treating air emissions ...
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Turnkey odour removal system at a tank storage facility


DESOTEC’s mobile activated carbon filters work on a simple plug-and-play basis. However, sometimes they need to be incorporated into a larger extracti...
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Treating contaminated rain water after fire at chemical plant


When disaster strikes, companies need a fast, straightforward solution to prevent pollution from occurring....
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Removing H₂S and VOCs from biogas


Across Europe, authorities and businesses are increasingly recognising the potential of food waste as a source to produce renewable energy from. Activ...
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Controlling odour and VOC pollution in composites manufacturing


Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) composites are widely used in manufacturing as they are strong yet lightweight. Layers of glass or carbon fibres are co...
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Odour removal at a pet food factory in the UK


Food factories, especially those that handle meat and fish, are frequent sources of odour nuisance. They are likely to emit volatile organic compounds...
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