
Components containing chlorine, bromine, or iodine that are used in pharmaceutical, chemical, agricultural, and cleaning products can end up in wastewater and groundwater. DESOTEC full-service solutions will help you purify water and remediate soil from AOX.

What are AOX?

Worldwide, companies are striving to protect our waterways and land while continuing to do business. High levels of AOX in wastewater are a sign of pollution. This is a serious environmental problem but DESOTEC has the solution.

The standard method to estimate the level of AOX entails measuring the amount of chlorine, bromine, and iodine that are adsorbed on activated carbon. This gives you a hint of how effective DESOTEC’s filters are.

Most AOX are chlorinated, including dichloromethane (DCM), trichloroethylene (TCE), pesticides, trichloromethane (chloroform), chlorophenols, and chlorobenzene. Some AOX components are biodegradable, but others are not. Among these are Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins.

DESOTEC’s sustainable mobile filter technology removes all these components, leaving wastewater clean for discharge or reuse.

Why must AOX be removed?

It’s essential to reduce AOX in wastewater before discharge to preserve waterways and soil quality. As some AOX components are toxic, our filtration protects aquatic life and human health.

DESOTEC filters also reduce non-biodegradable components, or POPs, to very low levels. These pose a particular challenge: they accumulate in nature, where they can enter the human food chain and imply risks to our health.

If your firm is seeking ways to tackle AOX and POPs, DESOTEC is here to help. Our mobile activated carbon filtration solutions are effective and sustainable purification treatments for wastewater, groundwater, and process waters in any sector.

Industrial water treatment

Components containing chlorine, bromine, and iodine are used to make coatings, adhesives, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and agricultural products, among many others. DESOTEC’s filters reduce AOX in rinsing and process waters from these applications.

Chlorine is also used in cleaning, disinfecting, and degreasing products. Therefore, cleaning and maintenance processes produce wastewater containing AOX, whose level can be reduced by DESOTEC’s sustainable mobile filters.

Our filters are in use at scrapyards and landfill sites, where they treat rainwater run-off or leachate water containing AOX.

POPs are also a common problem at former industrial sites due to contamination from old spills. DESOTEC supplies filters to many remediation companies, helping them purify groundwater and soil so the land can be safely reused.

Purifying water from adsorbable organic halides (AOX) is vital for keeping rivers and land clean as well as protecting our health. DESOTEC mobile activated carbon filters are a simple yet effective solution for wastewater treatment and soil remediation. Tapping on it, your business can focus on reaching its production targets and green goals.

Helping you comply

At the EU level, the Water Framework Directive is the overarching legislation.

Many countries are also tightening their own regulations governing AOX treatment. In France, for example, the legislative order of 15 February 2016 (l’Arrêté du 15 février 2016) relating to non-hazardous waste storage facilities means that, in the coming years, wastewater containing AOX must be pre-treated before it can be sent to a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).

Local environmental authorities typically set very low AOX limits for site operating licences due to the harm they can cause.

DESOTEC has the expertise and the technology to make sure your firm can meet stringent AOX limits.

How we help you

DESOTEC’s sustainable mobile filtration solutions

DESOTEC is your single point-of-contact for all your activated carbon filtration needs, offering a full-service solution to clients. Activated carbon is classified as the Best Available Treatment (BAT) for AOX.  

As AOX is often found with other contaminants, e.g., chemical oxygen demand (COD), our filters may integrate further technologies. Placed before biofilters or physico-chemical treatments, activated carbon filters flatten peaks of concentrations. Placed after those units, they act as a polishing step. 

We handle filtration waste away from your site, ensuring that all components are destroyed, and reactivating standard carbon for reuse. This circular approach boosts your company’s sustainability, contributing to a greener future. 

DESOTEC’s expertise helped us with a soil and groundwater contamination issue. Their remediation knowledge was detrimental to make it a successful project.

Our filtration solutions

Flexible, mobile and modular solutions with sustainable waste handling and 24/7 support. With DESOTEC by your side, it’s easy to go green.

Our filtration solutions