Permits, Modifications, and Contingency Plans
Carbon Regeneration Facility in Parker, AZ
RCRA 2016 Permit Applications
Appendix I - Part A Rev1 04-2012.pdf
Appendix II Topo Maps Rev1~04~2012.pdf
Appendix III Site Diagrams Rev1~04~2012.pdf
Appendix IV WAP Rev2~03-2016.pdf
Appendix IX Tank Assessment Rev 1 ~04-2012.pdf
Appendix V RF-2 Performance Demonstration Test Plan and Report Rev1~04~2012.pdf
Appendix VI PFDs & P&IDs Rev1~04~2012.pdf
Appendix VII Storage Pad Evaluation Rev1~04-2012.pdf
Appendix VIII Container Specs Rev2~04-2012.pdf
Appendix X Equipment Drawings Rev1~04~2012.pdf
Appendix XI HHRA Report Rev1~04~2012 Complete.pdf
Appendix XII Inspection Rev2~07-2014.pdf
Appendix XIII Contingency Plan Rev3~08-2014.pdf
Appendix XIV - Training Rev1~04-2012.pdf
Appendix XIX Subpart BB Compliance Plan Rev1~ 04-2012.pdf
Appendix XV - RCRA Facility Closure Plan Rev4~06-2014.pdf
Appendix XVI RF-1 Closure Plan Rev 6~04-2012 Complete.pdf
Appendix XVII Closure Sampling & Analysis Plan Rev 2~04-2012 Complete.pdf
Appendix XVIII Financial Assurance Rev 1~04-2012.pdf
Appendix XX - Subpart CC Compliance Plan Rev6~07-2014.pdf
Appendix XXI - Records Retention Requirements Rev2~07-2014.pdf
Appendix XXII - Evoqua Startup, Shutdown and Malfunction Plan Rev1~06-2014.pdf
Appendix XXIII - Subpart FF Compliance Plan Rev9~03-2014.pdf
Section A - Part A Rev1~04-2012.pdf
Section B - Facility Description Rev1~04-2012.pdf
Section C - Carbon Characteristics Rev1~04-2012.pdf
Section D - Process Info Rev1~04-2012.pdf
Section E - Groundwater Rev1~04-2012.pdf
Section F - Proc to Prevent Haz Rev2~7-2014.pdf
Section G - Contingency Rev3~08-2014.pdf
Section H - Training Rev1~04-2012.pdf
Section I - Closure Rev2~06-2014.pdf
Section J - SWMU-HWMU-AOC Rev4~12-2014.pdf
Section K - Other Fed Laws Rev1~04-2012.pdf
Section L - Certification Rev3~04-2016.pdf
Section M - Subpart AA Rev1~04-2012.pdf
Section N - Subpart BB Rev1~04-2012.pdf
Section O - Subpart CC Rev2~07-2014.pdf
Section P - Exposure Info Rev1~04-2012.pdf
Section Q - Subpart FF Rev1~03-2014.pdf
RCRA 2018 Final Permit Modules
RCRA Final Permit Attachments
001Permit Attachment Section A - Part A 2018 09.pdf
002Permit Attachment Section B - Facility Description 2018 09.pdf
003Permit Attachment Section C - Carbon Characteristics 2018 09.pdf
004Permit Attachment Section D - Process Info 2018 09.pdf
005Permit Attachment Section E - Groundwater 2018 09.pdf
006Permit Attachment Section F- Procedures to Prevent Haz 2018 09.pdf
007Permit Attachment Section G - Contingency 2018 09.pdf
008Permit Attachment Section H - Training 2018 09.pdf
009Permit Attachment Section I - Closure 2018 09.pdf
010Permit Attachment Section J - SWMU-HWMU-AOC 2018 09.pdf
011Permit Attachment Section K - Other Fed Laws 2018 09.pdf
012Permit Attachment Section L - Certification 2018 09.pdf
013Permit Attachment Section M - Subpart AA 2018 09.pdf
014Permit Attachment Section N - Subpart BB 2018 09.pdf
015Permit Attachment Section O - Subpart CC 2018 09.pdf
016Permit Attachment Section P - Exposure Info 2018 09.pdf
017Permit Attachment Section Q - Subpart FF Comp Plan 2018 09.pdf
018Permit Attachment Appendix I - Part A 2018 09.pdf
019Permit Attachment Appendix II Topo Maps 2018 09.pdf
020Permit Attachment Appendix III Site Diagrams 2018 09.pdf
021Permit Attachment Appendix IV WAP 2018 09.pdf
022Permit Attachment Appendix V PDT Work Plan and Report 2018 09.pdf
023Permit Attachment Appendix VI PFDs & P&IDs 2018 09.pdf
024Permit Attachment Appendix VII Storage Pad Evaluation 2018 09.pdf
025Permit Attachment Appendix VIII Container Specs 2018 09.pdf
026Permit Attachment Appendix IX Tank Assessment 2018 09.pdf
027Permit Attachment Appendix X Equipment Drawings 2018 09.pdf
028Permit Attachment Appendix XI HHERA Executive Summary 2018 09.pdf
029Permit Attachment Appendix XII Inspection 2018 09.pdf
030Permit Attachment Appendix XIII Contingency Plan 2018 09.pdf
031Permit Attachment Appendix XIV - Training 2018 09.pdf
032Permit Attachment Appendix XV - RCRA Facility Closure Plan 2018 09.pdf
033Permit Attachment Appendix XVI RF-1 Closure Plan 2018 09.pdf
034Permit Attachment Appendix XVII Closure Sampling & Analysis Plan 2018 09.pdf
035Permit Attachment Appendix XVIII Financial Assurance 2018 09.pdf
036Permit Attachment Appendix XIX Subpart BB Comp Plan 2018 09.pdf
037Permit Attachment Appendix XX Subpart CC Comp Plan 2018 09.pdf
038Permit Attachment Appendix XXI - Records Retention Reqts 2018 09.pdf
039Permit Attachment Appendix XXII - SSMP 2018 09.pdf
040Permit Attachment Appendix XXIII Subpart FF Comp Plan 2018 09.pdf
041Permit Exhibit I 2018 09 18.pdf
Permit Modifications
I.K.7. Permit Table VI-1 and Permit Attachment Section J
Permit Modification No. 001 - Class 1: Appendix IV - Waste Analysis Plan - Sulfur
Permit Modification No. 002 - Class 1: Section D and Appendix XXI
Permit Modification No. 003 - Class 1: - H-1 and H-2 Hopper Modifications and Certification
Permit Modification No. 005 - Class 1: Addition of Permit Condition I.G.9
Permit Modification No. 006 - Class 1: - Extension Request for Permit Condition V.I.1.a
Permit Modification No. 007 - Class 1: Appendix XIII - Contingency Plan
Permit Modification No. 008 - Class 1: Appendix XIII - Contingency Plan
Permit Modification No. 009 - Class 1 Appendix IV - Waste Analysis Plan
Notice of Commencement of Closure Activity for RF-1 Unit / Final RCRA Permit - EPA ID# AZD982441263
Certification of Closure for RF-1
Notification of Final Permit Decisions - EPA ID No.: AZD982441263
Strona główna
Mobilne rozwiązania filtracje w zamkniętym obiegu dla czystszego i bardziej ekologicznego świata. Nasze łatwe w użyciu rozwiązania do oczyszczania o obiegu zamkniętym pomagają firmom działać w bardziej zrównoważony i przyszłościowy sposób. -
Historia naszej marki
Chcemy tworzyć czystszy, bardziej ekologiczny świat poprzez zrównoważone mobilne rozwiązania filtracyjne -
Od naszych początków jako firma inżynieryjna, ewoluowaliśmy, aby stać się światowym pionierem w rozwiązaniach filtracji jako usługi, w pełni zamykając obieg dla naszych klientów.